The story of Agapé Marysville actually begins with the planting of Agapé Community Fellowship of Hilliard (ACFH) in 1987. As part of the pastoral staff at ACFH, Gene prepared to plant Agapé Marysville under the spiritual covering of the ACFH elder team. By October 2003, Gene, Tisha, and a core team consisting of 17 adults and 10 children began training through the DOVE Church Planting and Leadership School, because DOVE's core beliefs matched well with ours and provided good accountability. In the fall of 2004, the first small group was started, and by the beginning of 2005, small groups began to multiply.
By mid-2005, Agapé Marysville was commissioned by ACFH, and we began holding Saturday night worship celebrations once a month at Creekview Intermediate School, slowly building up to weekly meetings on Sunday mornings by Easter 2007 at Mill Valley Elementary. In March of 2010, Agape Marysville partnered with DOVE Christian Fellowship International and has been a part of the DOVE family ever since.
Our Mission
As a group of people that have come into a relationship with God through Jesus Christ, we are a developing community that has allowed Christ to affect every area of our lives, in our homes, and the places that we work and play.
Our central focus is for people to see and know Jesus. We want to see people grow into passionate, mature, reproducing disciples, and to see people healed and restored.
The world shall know us by our love for each other, our love for God and our actions as we serve the community. We are here to serve you.
Transforming the world through the love of christ. Our vision is a balanced church... one that exalts God in a lifestyle of worship, equips people to live the Christian life and do the ministry of Jesus, empowered through the Holy Spirit, it engages people in fellowship, exposing God's desire for personal relationship, continually expanding God's Kingdom, and enabling God's Church to continue to grow.
Agapé stands firmly in orthodox Christian teaching. Out of loyalty to Christ and the Gospel we have come to a number of convictions concerning the clear teaching of the Bible. At the same time we have not included in our faith statement much that could be legitimately debated by orthodox Christians. In other words we have boundaries, but our boundaries are broad and inclusive. On the spectrum of Christian churches:
1. We are orthodox. That is, we are consistent with the established church throughout history.
2. We are evangelical. That is, we believe Scripture is God-breathed, Jesus is the Son of God, and salvation comes only by personal faith in the person and the work of Christ
3. We are empowered. That is, we seek and practice the gifts of the Spirit. We pray for God’s miraculous healings, physical, emotional and spiritual, and we seek greater “fillings of the Holy Spirit.”
Common Questions
When are your Service Times?
Sunday mornings at 10:00 AM (all children's classes available).
Where are you located?
We meet in the Commons at Marysville High School, 800 Amrine Mill Rd, Marysville, OH 43040.
What should I wear?
There is no dress code at Agape Marysville. God loves you no matter what you wear.
What is there for my children?
We have classes for both younger and older children during our 10:00 AM service.
Do you have a way to get involved with the church?
If you're looking to get more involved with the church, you can join one of the small groups we have. You can also help us out by serving on a variety of different teams. We have everything from serving coffee, greeting people as they walk in, worship team, media team, and much more. Contact us below with any questions.
As the leadership team of Agape Community Fellowship of Marysville, we have the responsibility to shepherd the flock of God as we lead in the spiritual development of our church. We take this responsibility very seriously and do it with joy. Scripture teaches that we are accountable before God and that we are meant as brothers and sisters in Christ to hold each other accountable. With this in mind, Agape Marysville has partnered with DOVE USA for the protection and accountability of the people, talents, and resources God has entrusted to us. As the leadership staff, we are responsible for the doctrine and accurate teaching of the Word of God, being led by the Spirit of God. If you have any doctrinal or spiritual questions, please contact one of us. We are glad you are here.
Gene and Tisha Miller
Senior Elder/Pastor
Through the calling that God placed on his life, Gene was given the vision for starting Agape and serves as Senior Elder/Pastor. Tisha serves alongside him on the Elder team and leads the Kingdom Kids ministry.
Gene grew up in a great Christian family that loved God. He accepted Christ as his Lord and Savior around the age of five, the result of a fire-and-brimstone revival meeting at the Conservative Mennonite church that his family attended. As he went into high school, he began to realize that it was not just about going to church and doing the right thing. For him, it became about a personal relationship with Jesus Christ. Around 16, he started to gain a sense that God was calling him into ministry. He did not know what, when or where. (He felt that it may be as a pastor, but did not want to admit it to himself.)
By the time he was 18, he had met an incredible girl named Tisha. They dated and even went on a 3-month mission trip to Kenya, Africa. It was during this trip that God opened their eyes to the work of the Holy Spirit as well as the passion and hunger for God that they knew they wanted in their lives.
While they were dating, the call to ministry was strong enough that Gene shared it with Tisha prior to asking her to marry him. She said yes and they married in July 1994. Through discernment and an unsettling of where they were at, God moved them to Agapé Community Fellowship of Hilliard in 1995. In 1996, they became the high school youth pastors. It was during this time that Gene felt God calling him to plant a church in the Marysville area. The rest of the story becomes intertwined with the story of Agapé Marysville. Gene, after sensing the call to plant this church, decided to attend Vineyard Leadership Institute (VLI is now assimilated into Asbury Theological Seminary).
Gene also serves as chaplain for the Washington Township Fire Department in Dublin, Ohio, where he works as a firefighter and paramedic. Gene and Tisha have three sons: Austin, Braden, and Cody. Gene and Tisha have a tremendous heart for this community and the surrounding area. Their desire is to serve and love everyone. They want to be the hands and feet of Jesus.
Mike & Cathy Kramer
Mike and Cathy serve on the Elder team. Mike is passionate about playing bass with the worship team, and Cathy pours her heart into the Kingdom Kids ministry. Their 3 children are found helping out anywhere they can at Agape.
Charles and Marlisa Beachy
Charles & Marlisa have attended Agape since August 2013. They have 3 children who also love Agape and its values and culture. Marlisa loves to praise the King through singing and pours her heart into leading on the worship team. Charles serves as an assistant in the middle school iDENTtity class and as an usher.